Residential Transformational Leadership training for sex worker leaders.

Among UNESO Thematic Areas is, “To Building a vibrant and united sex worker movement for and by sex workers to uphold their dignity, and to promote and protect their human rights through Pursue growth and development of UNESO’s membership”.

UNESO with support from Red Umbrella Fund continued to honor its mandate through building the capacities of its rural member organizations in Uganda. We conducted a two days residential training on Transformational Leadership which aimed at empowering emerging rural sex worker leaders with leadership skills and to help them appreciate transformational leadership for a sustained sex worker movement building in Uganda. This training focuses on empowerment, inspiration and motivation of employees to facilitate innovativeness and creativity hence organizational development.


key topics during the training

  1. Who is a good leader and a leader in a changing world.
  2. Roles and qualities of a good leader.
  3.  Concept of transformation leadership.
  4. Importance of mentorship in our communities


We also conducted a residential Resource mobilization and financial management training.  This aimed at equipping our rural sex worker leaders with skills in resource mobilization and finance in order to have the ability to identify, mobilize for resources and manage the organization finances.

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