UNESO last week concluded their two days Resource mobilization and financial management training for 20 sex worker led member organizations funded by Red Umbrella Fund.
The ability of sex work led organizations to implement their project interventions
depends on their ability to identify and mobilize for resources and management of the
finances. For sustainable and effective implementation of project interventions, it is essential
that organizations have the capacity to identify and mobilize required resources and to
manage the financial resources effectively. Sex work led organizations need to do more than
design and implement good programmes to maintain strong donor support or relationships and ensure reliable income but they also need to build strategically upon mobilizing for more resources and effectively manage finances.
Therefore, this training aimed to provide financial management skills and insights aimed at strengthening sex worker led organizations to manage finances and develop sound financial management systems for their organizations and to be able to identify and mobilize for effective resources that supports institutional growth and development.
Key topics
- Major sources of resources.
- Fundraising procedure.
- Managing Multiple donors.
- Challenges in resource mobilization.
- Budgeting for projects.
- Budget tracking.
- Financial reporting.
At the end of the training sex worker led organizations were empowered in the following;
- Identify resources that need to be mobilised and how they are important for the
organisation. - Understand different ways of resource mobilization. /resource mobilisation strategy.
- Understand the principles of financial management.
- Understand developing of strong financial management systems.