Celebration of the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

Ms. Daisy giving Opening remarks

On 18th & 19th December 2021, UNESO was able to convene 70 sex worker leaders from the Central and Western regions of Uganda  respectively to commemorate  17th December International Day to End violence against sex workers.
During the events, UNESO held two press conferences aimed to call  for a joint action toward the elimination of all forms of violations against Sex workers and lighted up candles to remember those  lost to violence.

Ms. Naomi sharing about the theme of the day

The day was celebrated under the theme “Your Protection Does Not Protect Me”.
As stated in the   Press Release ,  the laws and policies put in place by the government of Uganda to protect and promote human rights for its citizens are actually the same laws and policies which lead to humiliation and violation of the rights of marginalized groups including sex workers and the people around them.
The criminalization of sex work in Ugandan’s criminal justice system as “prostitution” is the root cause to all forms of violence committed against sex workers by the various perpetrators who always hide under the ambit of enforcing the law. In most cases sex workers face challenges in accessing justice when their rights are violated because the laws and policies that are in place don’t protect sex workers.
“Sex workers face challenges in accessing justice when their rights are abused because the laws and policies that are in place don’t protect sex workers”.- Mujuni Naomi Programs Director UNESO
”When we try to seek for justice no one believes our stories just because we are sex workers” – Sara a sex worker from  WONETHA.

Ms. Daisy sharing the background of 17th December.


During the event, Ms. Daisy national coordinator gave a brief background of the day and  shared as to why the day is important to the sex work movement.

In her words – “The day was created to call for attention to hate crimes committed against sex workers all over the world after Gary Ridgeway, aka the “Green River Killer,” confessed to murdering at least 49 women, most of them sex workers.  He chose sex workers as his victims because they were easy to pick up without being noticed and no one reported them missing”.

During her speech, she argued sex workers to learn from the history of the day and  to continue reporting and documenting  violation incidents  impacted on to them, and to always share their experience with others in order to learn from one an other. 

She concluded by  emphasized the point of building partnerships with other movements and human rights focused  organizations for joint support in advocating for the realization of sex workers rights.

Press Release for 17th December 2021 Download Now

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